Space telescopes have revolutionized astronomy and changed our understanding of the universe. These telescopes are built to observe the cosmos from the vacuum of space, allowing for unobstructed and undistorted observations of the universe. They are designed to capture images of distant stars, galaxies, asteroids, and other celestial objects that would be impossible to observe from Earth.
Types of space telescopes
There are several types of space telescopes, including those that focus on observing visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and infrared radiation. Each telescope type is designed to capture a different wavelength of radiation, which provides distinct information about the objects being studied.
Benefits of space telescopes
One of the major benefits of a space telescope is that it eliminates the problem of atmospheric turbulence, which can distort images taken from the Earth’s surface. Space telescopes also have the advantage of being able to orbit in space and capture data continuously, without the interruptions that can occur during earthbound observations. Another great advantage is that they can observe infrared radiation, which is not possible from the ground due to atmospheric absorption. The use of infrared telescopes has been instrumental in helping astronomers observe stars that are obscured by dust, and the study of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
Notable space telescopes
Some of the most notable space telescopes include the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the Kepler Space Telescope. These telescopes have provided a wealth of information about our universe, including information about black holes, the formation of galaxies, and the search for exoplanets.
The Future of space telescopes
As technology improves, new generations of space telescopes will continue to revolutionize the field of astronomy. The upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is planned to launch in 2021, will have 100 times the observation power of the Hubble Space Telescope and will be able to see the most distant galaxies ever observed with unprecedented resolution. In conclusion, space telescopes have allowed us to learn more about our universe than ever before, and continue to provide fascinating data about distant stars and galaxies. With the upcoming launch of the JWST and new technologies being developed, there’s no doubt that space telescopes will continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge of the universe.